Thursday, August 5, 2010

The concept of sin and the affect on our lives

Today I walked through the Biblical teaching on sin. For me it is the least favorite topic in theology for me because it is here that all my failures come out. The enemy reminds me of all the times that I fail and have failed but the great thing is that my failures are covered by Jesus' blood. It is amazing to me that the fall recorded in Genesis is not seen by many in the church as more than a simple fall to the ground. This "fall" was catastrophic in the fact that it separated us from God. This separation was a death blow to our soul. It makes me appreciate exactly what Jesus did on the cross for us that much more. I can only imagine what it was like to walk with God in the cool of the day. To feel God's presence at all times. One day the sin that is in the world will be eradicated and we will once again have the relationship with our creator that we were meant to have. Praise God for this marvelous gift.

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